



About CIC

Headquartered in Beijing, China Investment Corporation (CIC) was founded on 29 September 2007 as China's sovereign wealth fund incorporated in accordance with China's Company Law, with a registered capital of $200 billion.

CIC was established as a vehicle to diversify China’s foreign exchange holdings and seek maximum returns for its shareholder within acceptable risk tolerance. CIC is mandated to make overseas investments and equity investments in financial institutions in China through its three subsidiaries, CIC International Co., Ltd. (CIC International), CIC Capital Corporation (CIC Capital), and Central Huijin Investment Ltd. (Central Huijin).

CIC’s overseas investment activities, undertaken by CIC International and CIC Capital, include public equity and bond investments; hedge fund and multi-asset investments; industry-wide private equity and private credit investments; direct investments and fund investments in sectors such as real estate, infrastructure, resources and commodities, and agriculture; and managing bilateral and multilateral funds.

Central Huijin undertakes equity investments in state-owned financial institutions in China. Without interfering in the day-to-day operations of its portfolio companies, Central Huijin exercises its rights and performs its obligations as a shareholder to the extent of its capital contribution.

Strict firewalls separate the overseas investment activities of CIC International and CIC Capital and the domestic equity management operations of Central Huijin.

CIC has two overseas branches, CIC International (Hong Kong) Co., Ltd.and CIC New York Representative Office .
