



About CIC

As a responsible global institutional investor and a valuable partner, CIC has always exercised prudence and professionalism, establishing an international profile as a sovereign wealth fund that operates on international, market-oriented and professional basis.

The International Forum of Sovereign Wealth Funds (IFSWF) is an important global organization comprising key sovereign wealth funds. Since its inception, it has been instrumental in fostering exchange and cooperation between sovereign wealth funds, promoting policy dialogue with major recipient countries and regions, and facilitating the orderly flow of cross-border investments. As a founding member, CIC has been an active participant in its various endeavors. It has carefully enforced the Santiago Principles for the governance of global sovereign wealth funds.

For more information on the International Forum of Sovereign Wealth Funds, other sovereign wealth funds and the Santiago Principles, please refer to the Forum's official website: www.ifswf.org

Candid dialogues and all-round, multi-level exchanges. In 2022, CIC successfully organized a parallel forum at the Financial Street Forum and actively took part in events organized by the International Chamber of Commerce, the Institute of International Finance, and various bilateral business councils. The company’s management attended the China Development Forum, Bo’ao Forum for Asia, Asian Financial Forum, Global Wealth Management Forum, CEO and former senior officials’ dialogues, and other premier financial and economic events. We also built our relationships with government agencies, regulators, peers, and business partners via video conferencing and written communications. These engagements created a constructive atmosphere for increasing mutual trust, exploring potential collaborations, and achieving win-win results. Our outreach activities added impetus to productive interactions between China and the world at large.

Playing a constructive role in our global peer organization. CIC is the only institution that has served on the board of the International Forum of Sovereign Wealth Funds (IFSWF) continuously since the forum’s establishment. CIC has provided leadership throughout the IFSWF’s development and is committed to working with other sovereign wealth funds to promote openness, fairness, and nondiscrimination in global investment markets and to contribute to global economic recovery and financial stability.

In 2022, CIC continued to contribute leadership and influence in the forum’s major deliberative bodies, including its Board and its Advisory Committee, with the aim of promoting an open, inclusive, equitable, and sustainable IFSWF. We brought high-quality participation to important events including the IFSWF Annual Meeting, webinars, and topical research seminars, and supported the IFSWF’s policy advocacy, strategic research, and membership outreach initiatives in a variety of different ways. We maintained a friendly and trusting relationship with the IFSWF Secretariat, helped to translate and promote forum publications, and coordinated closely on day-to-day affairs such as implementing Board resolutions, formulating the IFSWF’s work plans, reviewing membership applications, and conducting self-assessments. For these efforts we received a special thank-you letter from the Secretariat.

Leveling up our public communications strategy with digital media. A strong brand image is essential for any organization’s long-term success. In an era where communication is increasingly digital, networked, and intelligent, we continue to keep pace with the times by actively developing new media channels to engage the public and maximize the speed, reach, and impact of the company’s messaging. In 2022, CIC’s social media followers grew by 110% year-on-year. To convey CIC’s messaging in a more compelling format, we launched short-form videos on our WeChat public account, publishing content on sustainable development, the IFSWF, and our International Advisory Council. We further augmented the content and presentation of the company’s information disclosures and issued timely updates on corporate governance, investment strategies, and operating results.

“Lasting connections are forged through heart-to-heart exchanges.” CIC stands ready to engage in more extensive and more in-depth dialogues and exchanges with all stakeholders, in order to consult on development, promote collaboration, discover opportunities, and tackle challenges together.
